about me

Hi, beauties!

I am so stinkin happy & grateful you’re here!

A 20 something midwest roots (GO HAWKS), gym loving, foodie - labor and delivery nurse, out here sharing all things life DAILY w/ what I feel is a bunch of my girlfriends! The highs and lows, adventures and challenges, and honestly - a whole lot of my favorite things! (caffeine, chick fil a, target, my goldens, amazon, style finds : ya know?!) Always aiming to brighten someones day even if it’s something small!

I was born and raised in Iowa. Graduated in a class of 52 people before I took on one of the biggest challenges of my entire life - nursing school. I worked as a CNA and PCT as I studied my BSN and I graduated college in 2018 and took on very first big girl job in early 2019 on an internal medicine // infectious disease unit on night shift! GIRL WERE THESE SOME FUN TIMES. (Haha) Over the two years I spent on this high paced, heavy, constantly on your toes floor, I learned more about myself than I could ever put into words. Throughout 2020 we were the “covid unit” on and off and I truly believe that working w/ those patients made me grow 10x more than I ever would have on a regular crazy busy day at work. It changed my perspective. I think it has for everyone. Right? You NEVER know what life has around the corner. On that note - I worked w/ the most incredible, inspiring & helpful team at the best hospital in Iowa & I’ll cherish those memories & moments w/ my first nursing family forever. But in my gut I knew it was time for change. Enter…labor and delivery!

You’re probably wondering how the heck I ended up in small town GA. While that’s a story for a different day — it sincerely changed my entire life for the better. I have my dream nursing job, THIS (being w/ all of you online daily) & a handful of life long friends I’ve made down here.

ALL throughout this entire journey of mine, I’ve been sharing basically every part of it with the world through Instagram and YouTube! My life, family, style, food, travel, nursing, and the little things. I just have ALWAYS wanted that hard working, driven, busy girl out there to know she isn’t alone in her struggles, challenges and dreams. I got you. You are capable of anything. And I’m always your girl for a Target run + Starbucks date! Haha. ZERO HESITATION. I’m in.

My goal is for you to come to my page and feel like you can grab a coffee, get comfy & feel like you’re talking to your close girlfriend! I always hope to be a helpful resource for ALL the things! Style, sales, home inspo, travel, gift guides, beauty, foodie finds & most recently— this past year I have dove into DIY + so much more as we evolve on this journey! I am so deeply grateful for the community we have built together and for those of you here on my little corner of the Internet!

WELCOME! & PS - my dms / inbox is ALWAYS open! I do my best every single day to get back to as many of you as I possibly can! Be patient w/ me! <3 xoxo, Holley