MOVING OVER A THOUSAND MILES FROM ALL I’VE EVER KNOWN WOWZA it feels crazy to type that even TWO+ years later. Feels like it was just yesterday.

I wanted to sit down and write an entire post in depth on all things moving long distance / far away from home to possibly resonate or give inspiration to someone out there who may be leaning into something like this as well but just can’t make the jump. Maybe my experience will inspire you to do so!

For as long as I can remember, I’ve always been a homebody at the end of the day. I love traveling, seeing the world and trying new things, but I also TRULY love being at home in a cozy space I’ve created. What is home though? To me, genuinely? Over the years it’s become MY space where my things are. One of them at the time being Kaiser, my golden retriever. He makes me feel so at home and happy continuously. And then came a boy, whom I swore on my life was everything and more at the time. Which, in turn - felt like home to me. Ya know?. Again, a LONG time ago. But this is my story. As I was saying, home to me is wherever the things I love most are. My things. My people. Family. BUT...

(KAISEY and I at our first home here in GA —January 2021)

As much as I deeply adore and cherish my family, I think I’ve always known deep in my gut I needed to live somewhere farther away from home. A new setting. A new lifestyle and environment. A different way of living that I’ve always known! And over the past three years before I made this large move to GA, I swear to you, every single opportunity that came my way, shattered. Heartbreak, deaths, COVID19. All plans just shattered due to unfortunate circumstances. I’m not entirely certain if that was the worlds way of telling me “it’s NOT your time to go yet” or not but, I listened and just knew when the time and moment came, it would happen. I put full trust in my gut. Insert Southern, GA!

Why Georgia? Well, if you know me you knowI have always wanted to explore the South. I 100% moved to Georgia to be with a boy at the time. I laugh every time someone asks me where I’m from and their jaw drops and expression turns to confusion when I say IOWA, haha. Back then, I had zero doubts on a future w/ this man. Even knowing that if I was wrong, I was willing to risk everything for it. And I did. I used to believe in “when you know you know, you know” — and I guess I can’t completely say I don’t anymore but, things did change over time. I STILL will tell anyone to listen to your heart AND gut. Your gut never lies. This life is too short and if I die tomorrow, you better believe it’s gonna be doing and chasing what I love with my entire soul. This boy had a job opportunity down here so we were testing the waters and hoping it all fits / works out.

Long story short -our relationship did end. No details needed other than, we weren’t meant to be long term. I went through an insanely difficult time last year dealing w/ this new change. I had moved here for him, 120% my choice of course, bought a house — I just.. saw it all. BUT - here me loudly. GOD does not lead you wrong. We were not meant to be. I vowed to myself at the beginning of 2022 that I was going to focus on building myself back up into the strong woman I knew I was despite being crushed. AND - I did that. THAT in itself is an entire other blog post I plan to write for y’all about independence, dating again, etc.

I guess overall — I just wanted to share that this experience has been eye opening and I truly think it’s helped me grow immensely. I have ZERO regrets. It brought me SO MUCH good. Leaving my very first nursing job to find my dream job (L&D), buying my first home at age 25, gaining a family + endless support system here in town, finding my second golden retriever - Kollyns, exploring the south w/ my pups, and SO much more. A quote someone told me once has stuck with me all of these years and overall made a huge difference for me in the decision making part. “If you can’t stop thinking about something, there’s a reason.” ME always thinking about “what IF” I move out of Iowa? “What IF” I go somewhere else for awhile and explore before settling down? “What IF” I love it more there? How will you EVER know unless you try something? GO. DO IT. You can always come back home <3

xoxo, Holley


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